
Our environmental policy

Stewardship is a core pillar of the business and we make best efforts to leave the lightest impact possible when conducting trips. In fact, we aim to leave the wildernesses we visit a little better off than how we found them. We strive to be a force for good in the areas we visit, from our careful selection of the locations and partners to our refusal to use single-use plastic on trips. Guests can support our long term strategies in each location with hands-on experiences.

We encourage every adventurer to follow the Travel Better Principles from Sustainable Travel International, so we can continue to enjoy our beautiful planet for many years to come:

  • LIGHTEN the footprint of my travels

  • CONSERVE the wild places I explore

  • SUPPORT the people and communities I visit

  • RESPECT the wildlife I see

  • CELEBRATE cultures authentically and respectfully

  • ADVOCATE for sustainable tourism


Suppliers / Partners

Our suppliers must be socially and ecologically minded, ensuring the majority of the trip’s revenue stays within the local communities we visit. We believe it's vital they educate guests and share their expert knowledge. They all read and follow our code of conduct and practices so that you can be confident that who you are travelling with is responsible and sustainable in their approach to the environment.


Our adventures always have a minimum of 20% of the itinerary dedicated to making a positive impact. This might be time planting trees, clearing beaches of plastic, monitoring whale migrations, rewilding animals or in social projects with local people. These activities are planned in collaboration with local charities or NGO’s for a greater collective impact in line with a long term strategy.


We choose spectacular biodiverse locations that are off the beaten path where we can have a positive impact. We’ll take you to wild, largely untouched areas away from queues and sites that suffer from over-tourism. 

IGO trips are totally unique - we find new routes and trails. 


We encourage our participants to stop using single-use packing on their trips with us. For this reason, we ask suppliers not to use any plastic bottles, coffee cups or other consumables that will be discarded once they’ve been used. We also encourage any new kit purchases to be made from companies that have similar principles. For example, water bottles from Live Larq, headlamps from Third Eye and clothing from Patagonia.